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IFJ vecht voor veiligheid journalisten in Egypte

De IFJ stuurde, samen met het INSI (International News Safety Institute), een lijst met veilligheidsaanbevelingen rond aan media en journalisten. Er werd ook een noodlijn geïnstalleerd waarop incidenten direct kunnen worden gemeld. Via satelliet staat de Internationale Journalistenfederatie bovendien in permanent contact met het Egyptische journalistensyndicaat.

De IFJ (wereldkoepel van journalistenbonden waartoe ook de AVBB/VVJ toe behoort) heeft intussen weet van een hele reeks geweldplegingen op verslaggevers in Egypte. Naast Belgische reporters van Le Soir en VTM, gaat het onder meer om collega\'s van CNN, CBS, BBC, het Deense TV2 News, de Zwitserse televisie, Associated Press, de Russische televisiezender Zvezda, de Turkse staatsomroep TRT, de Poolse tv-omroep TVP en Al-Arabiya TV. Zondag sloten de Egyptische autoriteiten reeds de kantoren van Al-Jazeera in Caïro.

Hieronder gaan de veiligheidsaanbevelingen van INSI/IFJ:

INSI advises all journalists covering civil disturbances to plan accordingly and take appropriate precautions. The following information may help:


• Plan in advance

• Establish pre-arranged contact points with the rest of your team (photographer, camera operator, producer, etc.) if you are separating

• Always carry press identification but conceal it if it attracts unwarranted attention

• Bring a cellular phone with emergency numbers pre-set for speed dialling

• Position yourself upwind if there is a possibility that tear gas will be used

• Bring eye protection such as swimming goggles or industrial eye protection

• Carry first aid kits and know how to use them

• Wear loose natural fabric clothing as this will not burn as readily as synthetic ones; remember there is always the possibility of gasoline bombs being exploded

• Carry a small backpack with enough food and water to last for a day in case you are unable to get out of the area

• If you are a reporter you don’t have to be in the crowd as long as you can see what’s happening

• If you are a photographer or camera operator, try to shoot from a higher vantage point

The use of flats and buildings to report is common-place, but ensure exit is possible and does not become obstructed.

• Work with the team and keep a mental map of your escape route if things turn bad

• Have an immediate newsroom debriefing after the coverage to extract lessons from the coverage


1. Baseball Bump cap (Head Protection in style of Baseball Cap)
2. Standard Eyeshields
3. Goggles (Protection against Tear Gas)
4. Footwear -- boots with non-stick sole and ankle protection
5. Personal First Aid Kit
6. Knee Pads
7. Ear Plugs

Also consider:

1. Stab Resistant Vest
2. Flame Retardant Spray
3. Flame retardant Underwear
4. Steel Toe Cap Footwear
5. Hi-Visibility Vest
6. Hand Protection

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